Monday, August 9, 2010

RDV with Radiesthesist Homeopath

On 28th July, I had an appointment with apparently the best radiesthesist homeopath in Belgium (who's living near Mons).

And past Thursday, I've finally got my monthly dose of homeopathic remedies by mail:
• my morning homeopathic mix: sepia 9CH
natrum muriaticum 9CH (three granules twice per day)
thyroide 7CH (fifteen drops once per day, in the morning)
• Gammadyn Cu-Au-Ag (oligo elements) (two tablets once per day)
• Gammadyn I (potassium iodine; oligo element) (one ampule per day)
• my evening homeopathic mix: calcarea carbonica 9CH

It's my first encounter with homeopathic remedies, so I obviously have no clue about those abbreviations nor about homeopathy in general. Hopefully these are really the ones I should take for bettering my health and general condition; primarily my thyroid issues and "fatigue & co.". Am I on the right track here?